St. Mary of the Assumption Parish Ministry Contact list
For phone numbers please call our parish office 302-239-7100
Adult Faith Formation - Joan Fortugno
Athletic Association - Mike Pietlock
Church Camp - Sandy Fiscella
Cornerstone - Mike McDonnell
Divine Will Prayer Group - Pricilla Collins
Emmanuel Dining Rooms S.E. - Bunny Stike
Emmanuel Dining Rooms East - Mary Ellen Long
Sojourners, House of Joseph - Marcia Berger
Finance Council - Rusty Giles
GIFT - Eileen Gaus
Holy Spirit Prayer Group - Rich Deegan
Knights of Columbus - Carl Osterlof
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary - Judy Safranski
Ladies’ Guild - Janet Kook & Rosemarie Morris
Lazarus Ministry - Pam Kushner
Legion of Mary - Emily Osmond
Mary Mother of Hope - Kate Morris
Meals on Wheels - Kathy di Girolamo
Men’s Faith Sharing - Frank DeGennaro
Men’s Small Group - Jim Robinson
Mother’s Prayer Group - Sandra Cleary
Need a Ride - John Ryan - Call (302) 507-7915
Pastoral Council - Kathy McCord
Pro-Life Committee - Ann Courtney
OCIA - Deacon Larry Brecht
Safety Committee - Leo Hamilton
Sages (50+ Group) - Nick Mastrocinque
Scouts (Boy & Cub) - Ken Ralston
St. Vincent de Paul Society - Mercedes Diaz
Visitors for Christ - Mary Lloyd